Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Statistics

This page has been generated on Tue Jul 4 10:30:17 2006

| online status | top scores | top ranks | last games | players (long!) | clans | kills/deaths/ratio | sides/classes | maps |
| weapons | covert operations | top kills per minute | frag spree | noise | jerks | time waste | hall of shame |
| sides played | 'no friends' ladder | 'harvest' ladder |

Welcome to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory server statistics!

game at Thu May 25 16:03 2006 on railgun map, 11 players


1 Thu May 25 16:01:47 2006 Fg|Skullyhead has referee status
2 Thu May 25 16:01:47 2006 Fg|PytoX has referee status
3 Thu May 25 16:01:49 2006 say: MomentuM: i love to own
4 Thu May 25 16:02:08 2006 say: bacca: and i love your mom
5 Thu May 25 16:02:13 2006 say: Fg|PytoX: LOL
6 Thu May 25 16:02:29 2006 sayteam: MomentuM: medic *
7 Thu May 25 16:03:17 2006 sayteam: bacca: ~Lieutenant~
8 Thu May 25 16:03:24 2006 say: ETPLAYER: sorry trying to clean the shitty ball mouse.
9 Thu May 25 16:03:29 2006 say: MomentuM: bacca =3D hebE
10 Thu May 25 16:03:29 2006 say: MomentuM: ?
11 Thu May 25 16:03:41 2006 say: Fg|PytoX: LOL
12 Thu May 25 16:04:37 2006 say: Fg|PytoX: !owned
13 Thu May 25 16:04:42 2006 say: ETPLAYER: !owned
14 Thu May 25 16:04:42 2006 say: Fg|PytoX: !pizza
15 Thu May 25 16:04:53 2006 say: ETPLAYER: !pizza
16 Thu May 25 16:05:07 2006 say: ETPLAYER: dirty bastard.
17 Thu May 25 16:05:34 2006 say: Fg|PytoX: now already? :o
18 Thu May 25 16:05:39 2006 say: ETPLAYER: son of a bitch.
19 Thu May 25 16:06:26 2006 sayteam: bacca: with the power lag
20 Thu May 25 16:07:35 2006 say: Fg|PytoX: wtff :o
21 Thu May 25 16:07:55 2006 say: Fg|PytoX: :>
22 Thu May 25 16:08:53 2006 say: I.Dallas: hes afk
23 Thu May 25 16:09:04 2006 say: ETPLAYER: he gets a free pass on this server
24 Thu May 25 16:09:10 2006 say: ETPLAYER: deal with it
25 Thu May 25 16:09:14 2006 say: Fg|PytoX: who?
26 Thu May 25 16:09:16 2006 say: ETPLAYER: arie
27 Thu May 25 16:09:20 2006 say: Fg|PytoX: ?$
28 Thu May 25 16:09:28 2006 say: Fg|Gunrange: DUH HEYS FG
29 Thu May 25 16:09:36 2006 say: ETPLAYER: i dont think these idiots know that
30 Thu May 25 16:09:43 2006 say: Fg|Sniper: lol
31 Thu May 25 16:09:44 2006 say: MomentuM: i dont think these idiots care either
32 Thu May 25 16:09:52 2006 say: Fg|Sniper: su dude....
33 Thu May 25 16:09:57 2006 say: schweet dood: click ready

Note: Statistics data for last days only is used.
Note: Limit is set to top 50 entries (the rest are counted but not shown).
Empty servers are not counted unless for global server lists.
Rent quality low ping servers in Europe at www.GameServerHost.nl.
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